It all begins with an idea…

Another evolution of the sun, another evolution of the moon… and we are here. Finally!

Ever since I was a little kid I’ve loved writing. I always wrote as if someone would read my words one day. In fact it’s one of the most endearing qualities I have as a writer — kumara not so humble! Heoi ano, I know that by being able to talk to my audience, I’m able to just be me. To korero and engage, share thoughts and ideas and see what comes from the active movement of my fingers typing out my thoughts into the ether.

Here we are… Te Ariroa Evolutions

My love for writing, art, helping people, learning, nurturing growth and a whole heap of other things combined.

What is Te Ariroa Evolutions? It’s me.

When I first started on my self-discovery journey - I was seeking out my identity. Who I was, what made me me… What I found was a little confronting and anxious to consider but through a WHOLE lot of healing… I’ve finally been able to reconnect with who I am, my love for life, passions abounding and reset my energies to allow me to recenter myself.

Te Ariroa - Ari Te Roa — Alex Le Long

Sidetrack — A cute story:

When I was at university, I was on the old Student Job Search and I came across an ad seeking some babysitting/nannying. The employer was asking for someone who spoke Te Reo Maori, had an interest in childcare, was studying teaching and who was keen to support a whanau on a casual basis and a pepi to grow their reo Maori.

I applied. I got the job. I was mega excited.

I showed up at the whare - fruit trees, big backyard.

The little one was SO cute! His Mama/Nan was lovely too. She gave me instructions about where things were and what to do with him.

She asked what my name was - I said Alex. She suggested we encourage him to call me Ari — as he was primarily speaking reo Maori.

This little one and I had so much fun and I truly enjoyed my time with him. He’d say “Ari! Ari! Ari!” and get my to come see what he was doing or to push him on the swing or explore their backyard. Playing on the trampoline was fun for him too. He loved to peeke! It solidified my thoughts around teaching too. I knew then that I wanted to teach. I had this innate feeling that that’s what I was meant to do with my life. To teach. To Support. To nurtutre myself and others in the process. To help and grow the collective consciousness.

I have a sneaking suspicion that I taught him over the last few years but I need to figure out the timeline and mention it to his Maamaa.

What a cool circular korero it would be if this were the case, ne?

And back to the original kaupapa….

It started with this idea that I would find a way to slowly move out of the traditional teaching system. Over the past 13 years I’ve worked so hard to fit in the system but it just doesn’t fit me. I want to put more energy into my own hauora and still find ways to give back to our community. I want to learn more about my different pukenga (skills) and how I might enhance these further over time. I’m learning so much and I’ve learnt so much in the past too. But burn out is a serious killer.

I’ve also learnt (through sheer practicality) that I have to take time for myself. Riding this BurnOut #3 - I’ve felt like I’ve got a stronger sense of what burnout looks and feels like. As someone with ADHD and Autism (undiagnosed - but if you’ve met me you’ll know!) — I struggle with helping and helping and helping and helping with no immediate response or resolution back. I also struggle with distraction as you’ve seen above. All those little side journeys and side tasks and side tracks… are fun because you learn a lot - sometimes useless information that might help you win a pub quiz question every once in a while… but it also means I struggle big time with staying on task. Oh and deadlines…. oof. Time is definiely a social construct in my mind. Time is NOT linear. Time is fluid and meaningless. Which is why I just realised now it’s nearly midnight and I started writing and editing about 9pm…. the sidetracks are real!!

With all of this in mind - I had to find a way for my creative modes to develop and further enhance. I also wanted to find different services that I already offer (for free mostly) or other tasks I enjoy doing — that maybe, maybe could eventuate into something where I got a little extra side-hustle money. But money isn’t everything - right? But it sure is helpful to do fun things sometimes! Oh and the bills….

I think that’s about it… I might come back to edit this… might not.

Nga mihi,



And that idea is FLOURISHING…