Ko au te Taiao, ko te Taiao ki au…

This year I (re)started my Rongoa Maori journey. I’ve been working with Te Wananga o Aotearoa and Whaea Dorothy Hayes. I’ve learnt so much already.

The roopu Mareikura have fast become my closest friends this year. Their energy is limitless and boundless. I absolutely enjoy spending time with them.

The learning I’ve been doing is enhanced by my connection to our taiao (natural environment) and realising that we are also shaped by the taiao we’ve been brought up in (social and cultural environment).

I’ve been learning that we are all shaped by the experiences and the people we have met. We’re also shaped by the experiences and people that came before us.


We are limitless.

We are boundless.

We are deserving.


It starts with us - reconnecting to the whenua. Giving thanks for the taiao. Recreating our taiao to keep ourselves and others safe.

Part of this is obvious… the impact of climate change, the impact of intergenerational trauma, the impact of poverty and social and cultural changes.

These issues combined make living in this generation hard. But we adapt. And we continue to adapt.


Not all of us have had the time and energy to reconnect. For most - we’re still surviving. Struggling on the daily. It’s hard. Absolutely.

In order for us to grow - we need to also recognise the taiao we have created for ourselves.

The people surrounding us that impact us. The places we visit that impact us. The experiences we encounter that change us.

We are all able to make change in what we do, where we go and who we interact with.

Sometimes we are change we need to see in the world. We are literally the role model we needed when growing up. We became the protector.

Not always are we having to fight our enemies. Sometimes it’s our own mind that keep us locked in a cage. Stop waiting for someone else to save you.


Find the key. Unlock your potential.

Identify your triggers. Identify the negative and positive impacts on your life.

Make subtle changes and start recreating the life you want for yourself.

It doesn’t happen overnight.

But it can happen.


You are your own superhero.

You CAN do this.

You are limitless.

You are boundless.

Disclaimer: You do NOT have the ability to fly… unless you’re a licensed pilot or can do an incredible somersault on the trampoline. You also need to keep yourself safe so you can help others up along your journey. Bring them with you.

Nga mihi,



Give Back, Baby…